19th Century Music Competition
Click Start to begin your 19th Century Application.
press Enter
We will email you to inform you if you are approved to advance to the final round, so make sure to double-check that the email above is correct.
Skip if not applicable.
If you are a singer, please enter "Vocal".
If your composer does not fit this criteria, please visit our Competitions page to apply to our other upcoming competitions.
Make sure to submit a YouTube link that is no longer than 15 minutes and either “Public” or “Unlisted” in order for us to view your video recording. Audio recordings will not be accepted. You should only submit a performance of music that you have the rights to use. If you advance to the final round, the performance video you submit above will be evaluated again for the final round.
In order for your performance to be featured on our YouTube channel for this competition, you must grant us your permission and intellectual property rights by choosing the first option above.
In order for your performance to be featured on our Instagram and Facebook pages for this competition, you must grant us your permission and intellectual property rights by choosing the first option above.
Tell us all about your musical background. If you advance to the final round and are selected as a winner, the music biography you submit above will be published on the results page of our website.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please attach your photo above as a .png, .jpg, or .jpeg file. Make sure to check the image file size and resize your photo if it is larger than 2 MB in size. If you advance to the final round and are selected as a winner, the photo you attach above will be published on the results page of our website. Email us at contact@charlestoncompetition.com if you have any issues resizing or uploading your photo.
If you advance to the final round and are selected as a winner, we will email your music teacher their certificate of recognition, so make sure to double-check that the email above is correct.
If the applicant applying to this competition is under 18 years of age, their parent or legal guardian must complete this form on behalf of the applicant.