Marcella Halim


Marcella Halim

Born in 1991 in Surabaya, Indonesia, Marcella Halim started playing the piano at the age of 7. During the years that followed, she won various national piano competitions and received several musical awards locally and internationally. Her latest achievement was 3rd Prize of Young Artist Piano Solo Performance at the 7th Malaysian Youth Music Festival (2013).  

Advanced diplomas in Performance from ABRSM were obtained in her secondary school years (DipABRSM in 2005 and LRSM in 2007). She also holds AMusA performance diploma from AMEB. Under the guidance of Mr. Iswargia Renardi Sudarno, in 2005 she was awarded the Fellowship of the Royal Schools of Music (FRSM) diploma in piano performance which is the highest Performer’s Diploma from the Assiociated Board of Royal School of Music, London. She became the youngest FRSM diploma achiever in Indonesia.

Currently, Marcella Halim teaches in her own private studio. Dedicated as a teacher, her students have captured many prizes and awards at national and international piano competitions and received Distinctions in their piano examinations.

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