Dannie Zhang Dong

Dannie Zhang Dong

Dannie Dong, aged 16, is a Memphis University School rising senior who has been playing piano for over 10 years and is currently taking lessons from Dr. Yukiko Whitehead at Rhodes College and Dr. Jonathan Tsay at the University of Memphis. Dannie started playing piano at age six after a music teacher noticed that he had perfect pitch. Since then, he has participated in statewide, regional, and international competitions. In the Tennessee Music Teachers Association competition, he has won first and second place in the grade level solo piano category six times and first place in both the elementary and senior piano concerto categories. Other than piano, Dannie also plays percussion and has participated in citywide, state regional, statewide, and nationwide concert bands and orchestras. Besides practicing his instruments, he likes to do Sudoku puzzles, play video games, and edit on Wikipedia.

You can find Dannie’s 2023 19th Century Music Competition piano performance here.