Elishia Hue Lee Yeh

Elishia Hue Lee Yeh

Elishia, a young musician, fell in love with music at three, mesmerized by her uncle’s violin at a wedding. Starting violin at six, she later embraced the viola during the pandemic, finding her passion with a $60 eBay find. Since 2017, Elishia has been a finalist at the Osaka International Competition, placing 4th in violin at 11 and winning first in viola recently. Summers find her at prestigious camps like Meadowmount School of Music, where she won the 2023 Quartet Competition and collaborated with renowned musicians. Beyond music, she enjoys building keyboards, reading, and playing Roblox horror games with friends. Grateful for her parents, friends, and mentor Dr. Carlo, Elishia eagerly anticipates a future in viola performance, ready to embrace the opportunities ahead.

You can find Elishia’s 2024 Winter Music Competition viola performance here.