Nisarg Shah

Nisarg Shah

I have played piano for over 10 years and have numerous accomplishments to show for it. I have won the Sonata Competition and Grand Virtuoso International competition. Two-time winner in 2021 & 2022- for which I performed in Austria). I have also participated in Music theory tests which go up to college-level music theory. Most recently, I passed the level 8 test which is a college-level exam. I also currently teach piano outside of school. I teach kids from ages 5 to 12 and I have gained much knowledge from these experiences. Additionally, I am the founder and president of Godwin’s Musician’s Club. The goal of our club is to share music with those in need and help students improve their musical skills. As president, I organize all performances outside of school at senior centers and recreational places including Spring Arbor senior living, the Glen Allen Cultural Arts Center’s OMA program, and more. I also help students learn their pieces during meetings and arrange duets and trios based on student preferences. Moreover, I have played violin for over 8 years across multiple orchestras including the Senior Regional Orchestra, Moody Chamber Orchestra, Youth Concert Orchestra (Part of Richmond Symphony Orchestra), Central Regional Orchestra, and as the vice chair at Godwin’s Orchestra.

You can find Nisarg’s 2023 19th Century Music Competition piano performance here.