Sophia Zhiyao Chen

Sophia Zhiyao Chen

Sophia Zhiyao Chen is a 6-year-old first grader at BASIS Independent Silicon Valley who is already making waves in the music world. She is proud to be studying three instruments simultaneously: piano, violin, and voice. She started learning piano and voice at the age of 4 and added violin to her repertoire at the age of 5.
In 2022, Sophia began competing in local and international music competitions and has already won numerous awards in all three instruments. Sophia is passionate about playing music from various composers and enjoys reading about their lives and learning about different musical eras and styles.
Aside from music, Sophia has a wide range of interests, including reading, drawing, swimming, and traveling. She is a well-rounded and talented young girl who is sure to continue to make great strides in her music career.

You can find Sophia’s 2023 19th Century Music Competition violin performance here.