Suzanne Xu

Suzanne Xu

I first picked up a violin when I was 3 years old. A gift from my mother, it was a 1/16th size violin that could be mistaken for a toy. For the first 4 years of my violin journey, it was more of me “playing with the violin” rather than playing the violin. But now, 12 years later, I am happy to say that I have since then never put down my violin once. Violin has become a pivotal part of my life. So much so that my life can be measured by my journey with the violin. Countless quartets and duets have accompanied the seasons of my life, as well as all the solo repertoire I’ve played that will follow me through a lifetime. Violin has allowed me the opportunity to travel across the US with my school’s Chamber Orchestra – an unforgettable experience.

At 6 years old, I was accepted into my first orchestra ensemble: MYS, and sat in the 2nd chair violin position while my feet couldn’t even reach the floor. When I was 9 years old, I was accepted into the Young String Ensemble in PYP – the Nation’s first youth orchestra. I have stuck with this wonderful organization for 6 years now, and plan to keep playing for them.