Zeren Brighton Li

Zeren Brighton Li

I started my music journey with Baby Mozart and Baby Beethoven in my crib. My dad tried to teach me how to hit different keys on the piano to make some simple music after I showed some interest. But very soon, he ran out of his limited music knowledge. That’s how I started taking piano lessons from Dr. Xiao-yan Sui about ten years ago, and still continuing with her teachings.

I don’t think Dr. Sui would ever call me her best student that she is the most proud of. I would normally be praised once for my occasional decent play, but more often I would get reprimanded for my lack of attention. Miraculously, I did not quit. I simply could not resist Mozart, Mendelssohn, and Chopin. The music finally took over my heart, note by note. While my fingers dance and leap on the black and white keys that I now love so much, I feel I finally understand those great musicians and enjoy every moment that I converse with them through their music.

I guess I will never stop playing piano. It’s part of my life now, the most important part.

You can find Zeren’s 2024 Winter Music Competition piano performance here.