Noah Choi, Joel Kim, and Brandon Chang

Noah Choi, Joel Kim, and Brandon Chang

Noah Choi, Joel Kim, and Brandon Chang met together to form the Astoria Trio in 2022. Noah had experience as a solo pianist, winning several MTAC Branch Festivals and regularly competing in the Junior Bach Festival and SYMF competitions. Joel also won numerous awards as a solo violinist at the VOCE state level and MTAC competitions and made it to the LA preliminaries of the Cal ASTA competitions. Together, the three of them competed in the JCM competition for 2nd place in their division and won 3rd place at the 2023 VOCE Chamber Music competition. During free time, they like to read and play games together. Brandon enjoys coding and won Robotics State championship and has competed in a Vex Robotics World Championship in Texas.

You can find the trio’s 2023 19th Century Music Competition performance here.