Vivian Stewart and Octavia Gordon

Vivian Mcconkie Stewart And Octavia Gordon

Vivian McConkie Stewart has studied the violin since she was a little squirt, with a tiny hot pink toy violin, and red curly pigtails. Her violin has been her companion since toddlerhood. One of the things Vivian holds close to her heart is the many deep friendships formed through music. Vivian is 17 and a Junior at Olympus High School and plays on the tennis team. She is a student of Eugene Watanabe. In her time away from practice, she builds callouses not on her fingertips, but on her palms with a chalk bag; hanging from boulders rock climbing. This past November Vivian hit her 10 year streak of not missing a day of practice.

You can find the duet’s 2024 Winter Music Competition performance here.

You can find the duet’s 2024 Baroque Music Competition performance here.