Evelyn Chi

Evelyn Chi

Evelyn Chi is a 5th grader at International Charter School of Atlanta in GA. She started learning piano at age of 6, and became more passionate about music as she studied with Dr.Sanghie Lee. Her first competition was the Rachel Howard Sonatina Competition in 2021 where she received “Outstanding Performer” at the age of nine. Also, she won ‘Award of Excellence’ in the GMTA Competition in 2022 and 2023. Recently, she was selected as one of the First Prize Winners in the VIVO International Music Competition 2023 that she is very excited to play at Winner’s Concert at Merkin Hall in NY in May. She enjoys playing flute and is a member of the Church youth orchestra. In addition to music, she likes drawing, singing, swimming, and playing with her favorite friends!

You can find Evelyn’s 2023 Spring Music Competition piano performance here.